How your donation is put to work.

The donations you give will immediately assist families that have been stricken by a fire disaster. Your small gift can help provide recreational opportunities for children who are victims of catastrophic burns, because they need your help too. Our expert firefighters will be able to continue bringing fire hazards and safety awareness to the residents of Pasco County because of the small gift you provide.

In order to remain expert firefighters, we need to continuously provide additional educational opportunities. This ensures the firefighters that serve you, remain at the top of their field with the latest in cutting technology and firefighting techniques.

Because our Charity is staffed and ran by the professional firefighters that serve you, we are not always able to directly assist those that need assistance immediately. We work with other foundations and charities that can. Your small donation can instantly provide the assistance to an expert providing the help to families in need.

By clicking on the donate button, you will instantly be able to help your Pasco County community.

Yearly Donation Goal